Wellington School is delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding to support a new Erasmus+ project.

As we approach the 30th Anniversary of our partnership with the Mallinckrodt-Gymnasium in Dortmund, Germany, our new project will celebrate thirty years of successful collaboration. This session our pupils will have the opportunity to visit Germany to work on a history project and Mallinckrodt pupils will travel to Scotland to help to write a guide to building successful partnerships.  Next session the choirs and orchestras will be central to our official birthday parties in both countries: in Dortmund in December 2019 and in Ayr in March 2020. There are also opportunities for staff to visit the partner school to find out about learning and teaching in the other country. Behind the scenes, two years of cross-curricular work will underpin this project.

Once again, we have received generous funding from the European Commission to support our work together.